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The Wanderer's Gallery - First Outing With the Canon EOS 300D

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Home > Melbourne > First Outing With the Canon EOS 300D

Last comments - First Outing With the Canon EOS 300D
Mini Flying Boat163 viewsThis guy was buzzing around doing some ground (Water) tests before taking off and heading over to Williamtown and back. I want one of these!05/06/07 at 06:06fcollingwood: Looks like it would be classed as a microlight, so...
Melbourne Skyline from St. Kilda162 viewsI went down to St. Kilda the day after getting the 300D, and had a little play. The weather was good, the camera was itching to be used, and this is one of the results......05/03/07 at 14:11Guest_Tom: Love your pictures... I started with digital photo...
Mini Flying Boat163 viewsThis guy was buzzing around doing some ground (Water) tests before taking off and heading over to Williamtown and back. I want one of these!05/03/07 at 14:10Guest_Tom: I have one
Mini Flying Boat163 viewsThis guy was buzzing around doing some ground (Water) tests before taking off and heading over to Williamtown and back. I want one of these!04/24/07 at 15:33Guest_Anon: I want one!
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