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::: Thursday August 19, 2004 :::


Don't know what happened, the site went down, and lost a whole lot of crap. Oh well........

Here are the St Kilda photos from the new camera. Can't remember the date

Sunset over Port Philip Bay Flying Boat
Sunset over Port Philip Bay Flying Boat
Melbourne Skyline Down the Yarra River from the St Kilda Rd. bridge
Melbourne Skyline Down the Yarra River from the St Kilda Rd. bridge
Melbourne Skyline
Getting loved up by Frankie

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::: Thursday July 29, 2004 :::

How to Send Someone Home, Take 2

Hoo-bloody-ray! The patches went into development, all the modules were loaded up, and the test run, and everything worked. The change request has been raised, and the patches will go into production from next Thursday, with cutover to my new system the following Monday. That will mean project complete, and out for a company sponsored piss-up (Again!)

Peter has now decided that he wants to move out of his apartment, so he & I are going to houseshare. Means I can get to see the kids more often, as my rent will be somewhat reduced. Happy Happy! Downside is, it also means househunting this weekend, so the nice peacefull weekend which was anticipated will turn into utter frustration. I hate househunting. Oh well, looks like Victor (Very decent Russian bloke) is out on Saturday, Metro here we come! Will take out the new toy and get some happy snaps.

Joe is off back to the US on Sunday, so we are having part 1 of the farewell tonight - he drinks so bloody much, we have to have it in two parts!

OK, quiet night tonight, no-one was really in the mood for a party, so home early after a few beers. Tomorrow.........OMG!

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::: Wednesday July 28, 2004 :::



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::: Sunday July 25, 2004 :::

Fun and Games in a Cessna 150

Absolutely crap day, windy, cloudy, rain. Thought "Bugger, no flying", but we are made of sterner stuff! Took off from runway 35, hard right turn at 500ft to avoid the airliners coming into Tullamarine, and tracked out over the Westgate bridge to Point Cook. Once out over the water, John demo'd a 60 degree bank turn, then it was my go at it. Dropped the right wing into a 30 degree bank, pushed the throttle all the way in, dropped the wing some more, and pulled back on the elevator. John told me at the ground briefing that most students screw it up and lose altitude the first few times, because they don't put enough back pressure on the yoke, but I was pulling the bloody thing back almost to the stop, and so did not lose a single foot. It was good seeing the rate of climb indicator steady and horizontal, especially considering that the wind was blowing us all over the place.

Then we get a call on the Point Cook tower frequency - Apparently we've been transmitting on the Essendon tower frequency the whole time we've been out at Point Cook. Check the radio switches, and sure enough, Com 1 is set up for Point Cook, Com 2 for Essendon, and the transmit switch is on Com 2. John figures out he'd bumped it when we hit turbulence while he was fiddling with the cabin heater, although how he made that connection, I don't know - the heater control is up on the top right corner of the windscreen, the transmit switch is on the instrument panel, they are miles away from each other - must have been one hell of bump!

Anyway, after a couple more turns to left and right, and coming straight out of a left hander into a right hander, we track back over Station Pier, the usual approach into Essendon. Over Station Pier, Essendon tell us to track in over Westgate bridge again, so it's another tight turn in order to make it. By this time we have twin engine on our backside, so we have to make a fast approach - no flaps on this landing, apart from which, we may be moving on a 350 degree heading to track for runway 35, but the nose is pointing at 330-335, due to the wind, so I've got the rudder to the left. This is going to be my first crosswind landing, but I get it down cleanly.

Then off to the folksies for dinner. Whacked head on car tailgate while unloading microwave, then whacked head again on wooden beam under folks house while putting said microwave with the rest of my stuff. Head is now (Monday morning) lumpy......and sore.....

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::: Saturday July 24, 2004 :::


OK, so Retro it was. Have absolutely no idea what time we left, but date and self were completly ratted. Late, bleary wake-up left just enough time to pick up Peter, Nick and Joe for the run out to airport, then back via the Westgate bridge. Dropped Peter off back at the Rialto, then home for a kip. Popped over to Clares' for pizza.

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::: Friday July 23, 2004 :::

Decisions, Decisions.....

Still fighting with the software. Big night planned tonight, starting with after work drinks at the Loft, then on to Cookie, home for the SSSS, then Retro. Or PJs. Or Spy Lounge. Or all three. Or somwhere completely different....The anatomy of a typical evening is to plan as little as possible, and enjoy as much as possible. It is far better to be flexible than to plan rigidly, and then stick to the plan. This is also how I prefer to travel, speaking of which, looks like crap weather all weekend, which may just mean we cancel flying and hit the snow instead. I could do with a weekend skiing.

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::: Thursday July 22, 2004 :::

Playing the Tourist

Went up to the Obvservation Deck at Rialto for the first time, and saw the seagull roasters in action. Not bad, but would have been more impressive had I not already seen Melbourne from 1500 feet on my frequent Point Cook-Return training flights, but impressive enough. Had a glass of red up there, then repaired to The Pub at Crown for another. Bloody ankle is still giving grief, even though it's been more than 3 weeks since I lost the argument with the tram tracks. Should have rested it instead of walking the CBD flat. Got into the residential section of Richmond for the first time last night when dropping Clare at home, looks like an OK area of town, and nice and close to the CBD too. May have to give it the once over for a house.

Bloody system is still not working, vendor seems as flumoxed as I am.

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::: Wednesday July 21, 2004 :::

Periodic Depression

Feel like absolute sh*t. Can't shake this bloody cold, bed by 21:00 tonight. No luck on the project today either.

On the bright side, managed to talk to the kids today. Missing them like hell. But, short term pain, long term gain - We don't get quality time when I go to see them in NZ, so instead of blowing a fortune every few weeks in plane fares, hotel accomodation, car hire, etc., spend it on getting my own place set up, then get them over here for a week at a time. That's been the main drive in wanting to get out of the current rent free accomodation.

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::: Tuesday July 20, 2004 :::

The Joys of Labour

Big day today. The project I've been working on for the last few months goes live. With great ceremony, the old system is shut down, and the new system activated. Nothing happens. Heads are scratched. And scratched a bit more. Old system is switched back on, and new system pointed back at the development environment and switched on. Bloody thing proceeds to work perfectly. Heads are scratched a bit more, then the whole mess dumped on the software vendor.

Back to the drawing board........

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::: Monday July 19, 2004 :::

Melbourne on a Monday (Or, How to Find an Off-License)

Nothing happens in Melbourne on a Monday night. Well, nothing I know of, anyway. Went to St Kilda at 19:30 for a coffee and a couple of glasses of red, nice chill-out at Vibe cafe in Acland St. Noticed the bottle shop was open (at 22:00?), and replenished my stock of Zubrowka. They still have no Heffeweizen, it's about time they got some in. And some Aftershock.

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